The world runs on storytelling. It is the most powerful tool we have and we believe the number one goal of storytelling is to evoke a certain emotional response from your audience.


A STORY tells the struggle of a HERO fighting an OBSTACLE to achieve a GOAL.


As Writers, Directors, Cinematographers and Producers, we have the ability to create a world into which the viewer can immerse themselves and be emotionally moved.


Being a content creator is a marathon, not a sprint. We believe that the content should be SHARABLE, RELATABLE and RELEVANT.


You will exceed expectation when you VALUE stack. Believe it or not, we are in the VALUE business.

In The Vault

About Us

Stories of daring adventures in faraway places with action and romance helped / inspired us to dream bigger and reach further.

Whether it be writing scripts, novels, directing film, tv or bringing to life a directors vision as cinematographers.

We LOVE what we do and we know that our SUPERPOWER is telling captivating stories for the viewer. That’s our STORY and we are sticking to it. Haha! So, come join the adventure, experience the magic and feel the pride.

‘In order to be good, you must be fantastic. In order to be fantastic, know that early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.’
Thank You
Thank you for visiting our site and most of all, thank you for your TIME, as it’s the most precious gift you have to give.

When the hours ahead are the darkest and all hope rest with us. We are the BRAVE, we are the CHOSEN ONES.

Resse Pelingril
We will travel through the fire of pain before this quest is done and victory will be ours.
I'm HONORED to have you here. It truly is the realization of a lifetime of dreams.

After writing several scripts that are in different stages of development, we turned our sights to being published authors. With the release of the high fantasy/action/adventure book series Shield of Destiny and Legends of Welkin, we did just that.

The truly SUCCESSFUL people, never stop learning.
Mama Weaver
Finding this GIFT was no accident, in your charge lays the SALVATION of the world.
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